Step 1 - User Account Creation
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In this step, the Client will be able to create an account with a login and verify the ownership of the information (telephone number) he has provided through OTP.
1 - As on any other application, the Client will have to create an account.
OAuth: client_auth
2 - The client will then be able to login using his e-mail and password:
Client ads his username
Client ads the password he chose in the previous step.
OAuth: client_auth
3 - The client then need to respond to an OTP challenge, i.e he will receive a text message which includes a 4 digit number that he will need to pasted into the Mobile App:
Responding to the OTP challenge correctly, will allow the user to receive an access token to access features (deposit, withdraw, convert).
OAuth: user_auth
If this is not the case, it will be possible to refresh the OPT token using:
4 - If the User loses his password, it is possible to generate a new one using:
To validate the change of the password, the User will receive a new OTP challenge in the form as describe in point 3 above.
You can add this OTP challenge using:
5 - Once the KYC process as been completed and validated for a retail client (as described in step 2 below), the account will be validated and it will be possible to generate a Portfolio Id using:
OAuth: client_auth
A portfolio Id is linked to a blockchain public address and several Portfolio Id can be generated for a same Account Id.
6 - Please note that you will also be able to create manually an AccountId using:
OAuth: client_auth
The PortfolioId will only be generated once the User has completed the KYC process (as described in Step 2).