Step 4 - User Deposit & Withdrawal
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The User will need different deposit address according to the coin selected and the network.
1 - In order to realize a deposit,
The Trading Portfolio (PortfolioId) will be associated with an AccountId. This means that the crypto deposit, will automatically be credited to the Trading Portfolio, which is the main portfolio of the AccountId.
OAuth: client_auth
2 - To obtain the history of all the deposits of a given AccountId, you can use the following endpoint:
OAuth: client_auth
3 - Using the following endpoint, you can also consult the list of the blockchains network available on Stokn for deposit:
OAuth: client_auth
4 - Using the following endpoint, you can also consult the list of coins/tokens available on Stokn for deposit:
OAuth: client_auth
5 - This is the information that must be entered to make a withdrawal: account ID, asset, network, destination address.
OAuth: user_auth